Newsletter Vol. 47 • The Power of Surrender
For the past couple of month, the message to "surrender" has been repeatedly appearing through my meditations, plant medicine guidance, and from numerous intuitive counsels (even participating in the Lakota tribal sweat lodge). This word was something that I remember even from my days in church and some of my favorite worship songs. But it has now come full circle to manifest with a new perspective for me. I remember when I first heard the shaman at the Ayahuasca ceremony sing “Altar of Love” and weeping…"All that I am, I offer at the altar of love in sweet surrender.”
This may mean and feel differently to each individual, but for me, it has been one of the most powerful state to be in. A state of surrender greatly overlaps with Ho’oponopono (Hawaiian healing modality) which I have been guided to around the same time (again, something I knew about but now revisiting with a new lens). It has been about bringing myself to the state of reset, a zero point, the void, or observation.
It’s pretty amazing how hesitant we are to just stop and be still. There are fears and concerns around earning, productivity, and subsequent guilt (scarcity & survival narrative) as well as the need to keep ourselves distracted, really from our inner voice, but also the subconscious resistance to knowing ourselves in its entirety (wholeness). In my introspect and reflecting on where I was, I also notice how much I did not pay attention to how I feel. I have always been a thinker. Very reliant on my masculine (left brain), the logic, the analytics, etc. And the pride toward any level of intellect or IQ certainly compounds on that masking.
But I was not aware or observant of what is really going on within…not in its healthy balance anyway. And, if I am not aware or observant of my hearts space, the feeling, then I am unable to be truly intentional with everything that I say and do and certainly not effective in manifesting my vision, because my perpetual patterns of behaviors (which is majority from your subconscious) contradicts what I think I want. Even with my clients (one of my mirror reflections), I often observe the lack of clarity in what it is that they want (vs the clarity of what they do not want) and therefore lack of clarity in their intention/transmission.
I used to struggle with meditation because first, it felt like it is not doing anything. And second, because I would end up thinking too much. But as I ‘intend’ to detach, surrender, and observe even those thoughts, the meditation became one of the most important part of my day and process.
To surrender is to recognize that we are not human doings. It is to honor our state of being as human be-ings. To slip into the state of allowance (without resistant energy) and full acceptance of what is and what is not. It is to acknowledge and honor all the thoughts, worries, fears, and agendas but yet recognizing that we are a force, Divine beings, that can transcend and facilitate all of those things in its best approach, methods, and timing from a higher perspective. It is about backing away from the canvas to see the whole picture. It is about coming to a resting point (I was thinking about why God rested on the seventh day of creation) to review your creation.
If you are feeling stuck, tired, stressed, worried, or anxious…consider allowing yourself to come to a point of surrender. This usually comes before a significant change is about to manifest. As important as rest is to our everyday, intentional surrender may be an important part of your energetic/spiritual cycle, also.
From the heart…