Shiro Nobunaga Shiro Nobunaga

Newsletter Vol. 46 • 2022: New Hope, Manifestation, and New Paths.

Numerologically speaking, 2022 is said to be a year of new hope, which stands for success with greater support for dreams and goals to manifest. One astrologer says, "If you’re looking for a cosmic reset, the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2 will give you just that. 2022’s first new moon brings the energy to not only set goals that are tangible, achievable and stabilizing, but to give you the boost you need to actually accomplish those resolutions." But certainly not limited to the New Moon, 2022 overall represents a powerful support for those that have strong intentions. So, what does a new year hold for us? 365 opportunities.

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Shiro Nobunaga Shiro Nobunaga

Newsletter Vol. 45 • Integration: Finding Your Balance ~ Zero Point & Wholeness

The Ho'oponopono prayer (a Hawaiian healing modality) which repeats the mantra of "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, and thank you" is about acknowledging that all aspects are part of us. All aspects within us, and those that come into our lives as reflections of ourselves. Because whether they love us or hurt us, we are always there in that experience.

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Shiro Nobunaga Shiro Nobunaga

Newsletter Vol. 44 • Love & Truth ~ Knowing vs Embodiment

We send you love and respect to your unique and individual journey.

Throughout my spiritual journey as a practitioner, I was recalling the times where I would find myself feeling a bit insecure for not having an official title, certification, or even mentorship to justify or classify myself as a "professional service provider" because I have always been self-taught. But each time, my Spirit tells me "to continue to do all things from the heart". It was an inherent knowing that I can't go wrong if I just focused on that.

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